Support for Families
Virtual Education Resources
Center for Disease Control – checklist for parents, guardians and other individuals preparing for the school-year
Maven Clinic Pros/Cons to Weigh Back to School Decision – There’s no single right choice, but understanding your options and assessing your needs can help you come to a decision that’s best for your family.
Free Educational Resources from Popsugar – this is a free collection of websites and apps to support virtual learning.
Mental Health America – another collection of vetted educational resources for school-aged children.
Wildrock’s Nature Lovers Book Club – for middle readers ages 8-12. Will run 8am-12pm from 8/27-10/1.
Blue Ridge Bigs – compilation of resources for parents by linking to a host of educational resources for littles.
PB&J Fund – has a variety of real-world, food related learning resources including recipes, Kitchen Skills 101, and Health Affordable Meal Suggestions
Digital Resources for Walker Upper Elementary School Families – think link provides links to some general digital resources as well as some Walker specific information.
Outschool – Explore any interest over live video chat! Discover fun, social, and safe learning experiences for kids ages 3-18 led by passionate teachers.
Khan Academy – Offers free lessons in math, science, and humanities from kindergarten through the early years of college. Students can use the exercises, quizzes, and instructional videos to learn and master skills.
Scholastic.com Learning at Home – For supporting children’s continuous learning at home and for back-to-school plans, Scholastic has you covered with virtual learning materials.
Wide Open School – Find tips and resources for distance learning for parents/caregivers and teachers.
Ted Ed – Browse hundreds of TED-Ed Animations and TED Talks designed to spark your child’s curiosity. You’ll also find thousands of other video-based lessons organized by age-level and subject.
Raz Kids – With Raz-Kids, students can practice reading anytime, anywhere – at home, on the go, and even during the summer!
Prodigy – Prodigy connects in-class learning to at-home math practice that kids love – making it your go-to platform for effective blended and virtual learning.
Food Resources
Emergency Food Network – The EFN provides food to persons in need once a month, on a self-referral basis. Call (434)-979-9180 or email info@emergencyfoodnetwork.org.
Cultivate Charlottesville’s Food Justice Network – builds racial equity in our food system through education, organizing, and advocacy. As a collective, over 35 organizations work in unique and complementary ways to build health and food security in Charlottesville. Food Access Resources can also be found on their Facebook page. Call (434)-260-3274 or email grow@cultivatecharlottesville.org.
Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry – provides free food, non-perishables, fresh produce, dairy, meats, and baked goods–to help people in need in the greater Charlottesville area feed their families. There are steps to get free groceries; you can find the intake form here. Call (434)-996-7868 or email info@cvilleloaves.org.
PB&J Fund – Emergency Food Distribution on Fridays for local families. Call (434)-244-3317 or email info@pbandjfund.org.
After-School Resources
C4K (Computers for Kids) – Space for youth to do virtual learning, tutoring and/or homework and space for parents to get help navigating Canvas.
FISH (Friends in Schools Helping) is a JABA inter-generational program that connects nurturing adults with students in need of individualized attention in a classroom setting. Email wbroadhurst@jabacares.org to learn more about becoming a FISH volunteer. Note that FISH is using an online volunteering format.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge – 1 to 1 mentoring and/ or site based mentoring- they will provide in person and/or virtual.
100 Black Men Of Central Virginia have a new tutoring initiative called “Scholar Hour”! The virtual study hall is held for one hour every Monday-Thursday to help young Black men gain a sense of community and scholarship. They have highly qualified tutors and teachers to help all Black men in grades 5-8. Individual tutoring can be requested. Visit www.100bmocv.org or email mail@100bmocv.org or for more information.
Enrichment Alliance – Delivering enrichment materials to food pantries; virtual poetry workshops; BLOG posting budget-friendly enrichment activities that kids can do at home.
Boys and Girls Club – The club will offer parallel school day access to education online, as well as after-school club programming.
YMCA – First Virtual Learning Center is located at the Brooks Family YMCA in Charlottesville. A second location is in the works at Walker Elementary School, which will allow the YMCA to expand enrollment for CCS and ACPS students. Scholarships are available!
Camp Holiday Trails – Virtual STAYING CONNECTED: Camp Holiday Trails at HOME camp offerings; and in-person family camps for the community
Up Level Martial Arts – UpLevel’s @Home Academy brings their life-changing, turn-key Modern-Day Black Belt martial arts program right into your home. They offer convenient family online classes, on-demand content, and community support.
Health, Wellness, and Social-Emotional Resources
Region Ten Children and Family Services – Region Ten has a range of services for children and their families. They offer supports across the behavioral health spectrum including prevention, family wellness, case management, outpatient counseling, and crisis / emergency services. Dial 434-972-1800 for the 24/7 Emergency Services Hotline.
UVA Teen & Young Adult Health Center – The Teen & Young Adult Health Center is a place to see a doctor who is specifically trained to work with teenagers and young adults between the ages of twelve to 24. Services offered deal with physical and mental health; they include tests, procedures, gynecological care, and transgender health services.
UVA Community Call Line – Don’t have a regular doctor during the COVID-19 pandemic? Have a medical problem or need medicine? Call UVA Health Community Call Line to talk to a doctor. Open M-F 8-5. Call (434)-982-6843 or (434)-98-COVID.
ReadyKids Counseling Programs – They offer the Inside Out Trauma Counseling for youth who have experienced trauma and the Teen Counseling Program for short-term individual and family counseling. The also have a 24/7 Teen Crisis Hotline open to teens and concerned adults 434-972-7233. For more info call (434)-296-4118 or Email: info@readykidscville.org
Wildrock – Virtual programs for Charlottesville City Schools and Albemarle County Schools and onsite programs at Wildrock for general public (timed trail walks and field trips for groups of 15 and under).
The Women’s Initiative – The program has a goal of providing as much support as is safely possible. Offices are closed but they are providing all vital mental health services through phone and video options (telehealth). They plan to focus on telehealth through at least December 2020.
Central Virginia Clinicians of Color Network – One-on-one phone check-ins with a clinician are offered free of charge on Wednesday evenings only. These check-ins are designed to offer immediate, short-term assistance including: emotional support, brief assessment, education, coping, grounding, resources, and referral services.
Counseling Alliance of Virginia – The Counseling Alliance of Virginia believes everyone has the capacity to live a healthy and productive life when offered the support they deserve.
Additional Resources for Students
Youth Justice Program: provides legal assistance to families/students in the Charlottesville area. This program of the Legal Aid Justice Center offers free individual legal representation for youth with unmet needs in the education, foster care, and juvenile justice systems; impact litigation; community education and organizing; and statewide policy advocacy. The Youth Justice Program was formerly known as JustChildren.
Virginia Department of Education – Learn about the roles of schools and families in ensuring that every child gets the educational support that they need.
Living Earth – The Living Earth School is a nature-based educational organization, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of central Virginia in the Charlottesville area.
Resources for Young Learners
Common Application for Area Pre-Schools – Albemarle County’s preschool program, Bright Stars, will open to 4-year-olds and those who will turn 4 by Sept. 30. Head Start is open to 3- and 4-year-olds who live in the county or city limits. Charlottesville City Schools’ preschool program is open to those who will be 3 or 4 years old by Sept. 30. Preschool Application 2020-2021. Aplicacion de la Red Preescolar 2020-21
Center for Early Literacy Learning – The mini-posters provide parents and teachers with simple ways to enhance daily activities and routines with
literacy specific opportunities. The CELL Pops are interactive versions of the mini posters and are for use with infants, toddlers or preschoolers.
Storyline Online – is available 24 hours a day for children, parents, caregivers and educators worldwide. Each book includes supplemental curriculum developed by a credentialed elementary educator, aiming to strengthen comprehension and verbal and written skills for English-language learners.
Starfall – Starfall activities are research-based and align with Individual and Common Core State Standards in English language arts and mathematics.